Monday, April 30, 2007
How you can make a difference
Another thing you could do is tell your friends and relatives about the swim. My niece who lives in southern California is so geeked about the swim that she sent an email to Oprah! Yeah, you can do things like that too.
You probably have read that I am hoping to raise $10,000 for the HRWC. It only takes 1,000 people sending in a check for $10 to meet that goal. Or 100 giving $100. If everyone who uses or lives on the Huron gives something, we'll make the goal with room to spare!
By the way, how do you use the Huron River? I'd love to know your stories.
Another dip in the Huron
This morning as I write this, I am rather stiff and sore from the long paddle. But it is worth it. This was a beautiful day to be on the river, watch people shoot the Delhi Rapids, soak up some sun, and see the trout lilies and even some trillium in bloom.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Excitement at Glacier Hills
The professionals at the Council have been talking to businesses about sponsoring the swim, members of the council are having parties, and we are also sending letters to the many people who support the HRWC. If you want to be a sponsor or donate to the swim, please contact Margaret Smith at
If you would rather participate in helping with the swim, please contact Jennifer Wolfe at, an amazing woman who is organizing all the volunteers.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Talk about the future of the River motivates me more!
I went to a talk tonight about the future of the Huron River, with projections out to 2030. Based on the models, it doesn't look good. The speaker, UM professor Mike Wiley, pointed out that the only thing that keeps the Great Lakes healthy is clean rivers - that if the rivers draining into the Lakes are polluted, then the entire system is in trouble. But he also pointed out that these are just models - the future does not have to look like this, with degraded rivers, streams and lakes. And he stressed that local stewardship will make the difference - which motivates me even more! We need to reverse our current trend of ignoring our fresh water resources. We cannot live without fresh, clean water. This swim gives me hope - lots of people are getting involved already - let's make a real difference!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Getting ready to swim 100 miles!
I am getting really excited about my upcoming swim down the Huron River this summer! The article in the Ann Arbor News yesterday made this event hit home for me. I got up at 4 am this morning, waiting for the pool to open so I could do my training for the day. I swim 2 miles each day at the local YMCA. I try to work my training times in during the day, before work or over my lunch hour, as I am more of a morning person. I also do some weight lifting, to help build up my shoulders. Of course, plenty of sleep and eating well are also important. My daughter is a dietitian and she has helped me devise a great “diet” to follow to be sure my body is optimally fueled for endurance events.
Ironically, on a kayak outing this past weekend, I fell in the river. I was actually thrilled! It was warmer than expected, and got me thinking hard about what 100 miles of swimming down the Huron would be like...