Monday, April 30, 2007

Another dip in the Huron

Yes, I did it again! Yesterday my husband, daughter, and her husband, kayaked from Dexter Metropark to Barton Dam--an 8.5 mile outing. The river was running pretty full since we had an inch of rain the other day. There were several gentle rapids and still lots of trees down, making it interesting to navigate our kayaks. As we were nearing Delhi Metropark, we encountered some low-hanging trees and a very tight squeeze to continue on the river. G got through nicely as did S. It was just K and me. I went first and this time I was very quickly dunked into the river. It was colder than last Sunday and the current was very strong. However, I got the kayak out of the way, kept my paddle and scooted over to the bank. G. helped me get the water out and before long was paddling away. K. managed to get through just fine. I think my kayak is a bit too long and unwieldly in these situations. I will probably have to just plan on a dunk every outing! Our become a better paddler!!
This morning as I write this, I am rather stiff and sore from the long paddle. But it is worth it. This was a beautiful day to be on the river, watch people shoot the Delhi Rapids, soak up some sun, and see the trout lilies and even some trillium in bloom.

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